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About me:
I am an Associate Professor at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) in Switzerland where I am heading a group on Perception, Display, and Fabrication. I am also a co-director of the Master's Program in Artificial Intelligence at USI. In my research, I combine perception, computation, and hardware to create better display and fabrication techniques. More specifically, my interests include human perception, new display technologies, image/video processing, 3D printing, and computational fabrication. Before my current position, I was an Independent Research Group Leader at Saarland University, MMCI and Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Germany. I have also spent two years as a postdoc with Prof. Wojciech Matusik at MIT. I obtained my Ph.D. from Saarland University and Max Planck Institute under Prof. Karol Myszkowski and M.Sc. degree from University of Wrocław in Poland. In 2018, I was awarded an ERC Starting Grant, and in 2019, I was elected Junior Fellow of the European Association for Computer Graphics.
I usually spend my free time with my family as well as enjoy various outdoor activities such as mountain biking, hiking, running, skiing, and mountaineering. I also love taking photographs although for this I have recently slightly less time.
Professional activities:
Editorial Boards and Steering Committees:
2024 - present: |
Steering Committee Member of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication |
2021 - present: |
Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Graphics |
2021 - present: |
Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Applied Perception |
Organizing Committees:
2025: |
Paper Co-Chair of Computational Visual Media Conference |
2024: |
General Co-Chair of ACM Symposium on Computational Fabrication |
International Program Committees:
2025: |
Eurographics (Full Papers) |
2023: |
ACM SIGGRAPH (Technical Papers), Eurographics (Full Papers) |
2022: |
Eurographics (Full Papers), Eurographics (State of the Art Reports), Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Techniques (Research Track), |
2021: |
Eurographics (Full Papers), Eurographics Symposium on Rendering Techniques (Research Track), |
2020: |
ACM SIGGRAPH (Technical Papers), Eurographics (Full Papers), High Performance Graphics (Papers) |
2019: |
ACM SIGGRAPH (Technical Papers), Eurographics (Full Papers), Pacific Graphics (Full/Short Technical Papers) |
2018: |
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (Technical Papers), Eurographics (Full Papers), Pacific Graphics (Full/Short Technical Papers) |
2017: |
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia (Technical Briefs & Posters), High Performance Graphics (Papers), Eurographics (State-of-the-Art Reports), |
2016: |
ACM SIGGRAPH (Technical Papers), International Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing |
2015: |
ACM SIGGRAPH (Technical Papers), Eurographics (Short Papers), CAD/Graphics (Full Papers) |
2014: |
Eurographics (Short Papers) |
Other Committees:
2023: |
ACM SIGGRAPH Best Paper Award |
2018: |
Eurographics Günter Enderle Best Paper Award |
2014: |
ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, E-Tech Prize |
WS 2023/2024: |
SS 2023: |
WS 2022/2023: |
SS 2022: |
WS 2021/2022: |
WS 2020/2021: |
SS 2020: |
WS 2019/2020: |
Computer Graphics (co-lecturer: Kai Hormann) |
WS 2018/2019: |
Computer Graphics (co-lecturer: Kai Hormann) |
WS 2017/2018: |
Perception for Computer Graphics (co-lecturer: Karol Myszkowski) |
SS 2017: |
WS 2016/2017: |
Perception for Computer Graphics (co-lecturer: Karol Myszkowski) |
SS 2016: |
WS 2015/2016: |
Perception for Computer Graphics (co-lecturer: Karol Myszkowski) |
SS 2015: |
Seminar on Computational Display and Fabrication (co-lecturer: Karol Myszkowski) |
WS 2014/2015: |
Perception for Computer Graphics (co-lecturer: Karol Myszkowski & Tobias Ritschel) |